âž ocean pass [II]
âž netherrack compressor
âž magma autocompressor
âž gilded autocompressor
âž debris autocompressor
âž netherite block compress
âž supercompressed netherrack (16)
âž supercompressed magma (32)
âž condensed gilded blackstone (32)
âž condensed debris (8)
âž condensed netherite block (4)
âž pressurized nether core (4)
âž compressed coins (64)
âž elixr of the gods (16)
âž magma touched sword
âž gold blackstone sword
âž gold touched netherite sword
âž superior netherite sword
âž netherrack helmet
âž netherrack chestplate
âž netherrack leggings
âž netherrack boots
âž magma helmet
âž magma chestplate
âž magma leggings
âž magma boots
âž gold blackstone helmet
âž gold blackstone chestplate
âž gold blackstone leggings
âž gold blackstone boots
âž golden netherite helmet
âž golden netherite chestplate
âž golden netherite leggings
âž golden netherite boots
âž superior netherite helmet
âž superior netherite chestplate
âž superior netherite leggings
âž superior netherite boots
âž netherrack touched pickaxe [3]
âž magma touched pickaxe [3]
âž gold blackstone pickaxe [3]
âž gold touched netherite pick [3]
âž superior netherite pick [3]